Sterile Wipes

TIDDOX Sterile Wipes is your solution for a clean, germ-free surface. These wipes maintain sterility and low contamination levels, ideal for critical areas in healthcare, laboratories, and more. Ensure aseptic conditions with our range of sterilised wipes.

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Sterile Cleansing Wipes for Cleanroom, Healthcare, and Other Settings

Sterile wipes are used to clean and disinfect surfaces, equipment, and instruments in hospitals, clinics, and laboratories. These wipes are designed to be free from any harmful microorganisms, ensuring a sanitary environment. They are also used for prepping the skin before medical procedures or surgeries to reduce the risk of infection. Additionally, sterile wipes are used by healthcare professionals to sanitise their hands, providing an extra layer of protection against germs.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are sterile wipes used for?

Sterile wipes are highly useful and necessary in various industries, including cleanrooms and healthcare facilities. These wipes are specifically designed to provide a sterile environment by eliminating contaminants. In cleanroom environments, sterile wipes are used to clean surfaces and equipment to maintain the required standards of cleanliness. They are also extensively used in healthcare settings to maintain a hygienic environment during medical procedures and surgeries. Sterile wipes are made from materials that are low in lint and have high absorbency, ensuring effective cleaning without leaving any residue behind.